We manage Waste service Providers to collect
and remove the reduced waste for you.

We contract waste removal companies to remove the waste from the clients premises at the best rate and service we can source

We audit these service providers to ensure that they are legally compliant (ISO).

We ensure SLA'a are signed. These govern our (clients) requirements and detail ourcompliance standards. We document and maintain all these aspects. (ISO)

We Load approved providers on our ERP system.

No order can be placed if the Provider is not loaded on our system. (control). System automatically generates a daily collection order summary for each Provider for ease of management and control.

We follow up on Service delivery problems,
until satisfaction is achieved.

We track and monitor every aspect from point of order to collection and disposal destination. All transactions and source documents are accounted for and scanned to Web profile. No payments to Providers are processed unless our requirements are

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